Wednesday • November 27, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm

Thanksgiving Eucharist Service at Lord of the Streets

Join volunteers from St. John the Divine and other churches on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (November 27) at 11 am for a Thanksgiving Eucharist service with Bishop Andy Doyle and Father Brad Sullivan followed by a meal in the Parish Hall of Trinity Episcopal Church.

Trinity Episcopal Church
1015 Holman Street
Houston, Texas 77004

Thanksgiving Eucharist Service at Lord of the Streets
with Bishop Andy Doyle and Brad Sullivan, Vicar of LOTS

We need St. John the Divine volunteers to pre-prepare large pans of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, gravy, and stuffing for the Thanksgiving meal and to serve the meal, greet visitors, and assist during the worship service.

You can sign up to celebrate Thanksgiving and bring light and hope to the homeless! 
Volunteers should report to duty no later than 10:45 am. The service begins at 11:00 with lunch following at noon.

Sign up to serve!

Tany James

Contact Tany James

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