20s & 30s Ministry

The 20s & 30s ministry at St. John the Divine is a growing group of young adults who gather together to share life in Christ. We have a variety of gatherings from weekly dinners and small group time, to monthly happy hours and restaurant tours. Join us. We'd love to meet you!

  • Neighborhood Groups: Our 20s & 30s neighborhood groups gather every week to share a meal, study the Scriptures, and pray together. We have groups meeting in The Heights, Museum, River Oaks neighborhoods. If you'd like to get connected, please contact the Rev. Trent Pettit.
  • Dinners and Gatherings: Want to plug into a faith community but not sure you have time for a weekly small group? Pencil in the first Friday of every month for our "Genuine Eats" at a local Houston restaurant. 
  • Opportunities to Serve: Service matters to us! Once a month on a Saturday, join us to volunteer at a local Houston organization. Sign up here.
Groups and Classes

20s & 30s Ministry Staff

The Rev. Trent Pettit

Associate Rector

Fr. Trent joined the clergy staff at St. John the Divine in 2023, and was ordained in 2021. His discernment process and curacy took him to three different countries which deepened his heart for missions and the church’s catholicity. He is married to Kira Moolman Pettit, and enjoys art, metal, and beekeeping.


The Rev. Trent Pettit

Contact The Rev. Trent Pettit

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2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg