The pastoral care ministry of St. John the Divine is here to walk with you through your times of need. We will pray for you and with you, visit you or your loved one in the hospital, connect with you through a support or recovery group, provide a relationship with a trained lay counselor, or offer you a time of healing service.

To request pastoral care, we invite you to:

Grief Ministry

Walking the Mourner’s Path will again be offered this spring at St. John the Divine for those who have lost someone to death. The series of eight workshops seeks to answer the question, "Where is God in my pain?” It is a place to come in our pain, to be comforted, a place to come together, to join hearts and hands so that we can do together what we cannot do alone.

Workbooks are utilized for discussions and explorations on one concept of grief each week. It is important that you attend all sessions. The program consists of eight 90-minute weekly small group workshops guided by trained facilitators and clergy. Parishioners Norie Baldwin and Mickey Brock serve as facilitators, and the Rev. Louise Samuelson serves as clergy support.

Questions?  Contact The Rev. Louise Samuelson.

Job Support

We also invite anyone who has lost their job, is struggling with the business that they own or run, or has had to close it to utilize this ministry. You will be provided a safe and confidential place to grieve your sudden loss of employment or business challenge and will coach you as you work through this time. For those that are seeking employment, we will also walk with you as you work on finding your next position. This will be done through a confidential series of conversations, conducted in person, over the phone, or through a Zoom call. If you are interested, please contact Tony Mayer.

Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry providing high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. A Stephen Minister is someone who will offer Christian love and support, visit with you, listen, provide resources and referrals, and pray with and for you.

Call 713.622.3600 x265 to request a Stephen Minister. All communications are confidential.

"I was involved in a life-threatening bike accident in 1997 that resulted in a painful recovery. During my recovery process, St. John the Divine member and Stephen Minister Mac Burgher was assigned to me as my Stephen Minister. Mac listened to me and prayed for my recovery. He became a source of encouragement through a very arduous time in my life. He helped me realize that God had a plan for me and would see me through this difficulty for his wonderful purpose. 
Today, Millie and I are Stephen Ministers, mainly because of the care Mac Burgher extended to me during this challenging time and for the opportunity to give back to others that have similar needs in their own lives."
— Leonard Wilson, Stephen Minister

Stephen Ministers address the needs of people who are:

  • Anticipating or recovering from major medical treatment
  • Grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Lonely
  • Depressed
  • Separated or divorced
  • Homebound
  • Expecting the birth of a child
  • Dying, as well as the families of the terminally ill
  • Experiencing the loss of a job or financial setbacks
  • Abused
  • New to our parish
  • Inactive members
  • Struggling with their faith in God

To contact a Stephen Minister, call the church at 713.622.3600 and ask for extension 265. Leave word that you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister, and provide contact information. All communications are confidential.

The Ministry is recruiting new members to participate in training classes to equip new members to serve as caregivers. The training consists of several two-hour training meetings. To learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister, please email or text 713.899.4700.

Care Ministry Staff

The Rev. Louise Samuelson

Associate Rector

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The Reverend Louise Samuelson joined St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in 2017 and serves as its Associate Rector providing leadership to the church’s pastoral care, worship, and women’s ministries.

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Carolyn Baker

Administrative Assistant to Rev. Samuelson

The Rev. Louise Samuelson

Contact The Rev. Louise Samuelson

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2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg