Relief Receptionist

Looking for friendly faces in fast-paced places! SJD is looking for a few friendly faces to help welcome parishioners and guests at the front desk during the mid-day hours. Flexible shifts are available.

Relief Receptionist Staff

Dawn Monachino

Ministry Assistant

Dawn has been with SJD since 2014. You may recognize her as a long-standing member of the SJD Chorale. After working part-time in the Music Ministry administrative offices, she began full-time work with Houston Audobon and then as an elementary music teacher in FBISA. She is very happy to be back at SJD and is now the full-time front desk receptionist and greeter. Come by and say 'Hello'!

Dawn Monachino

Contact Dawn Monachino

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SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg