Director of Adult Formation

Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit


from Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit

Everyday Discipleship

by Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit on

Because in the end, our spiritual lives are like going on a hike with Jesus – not a sprint, not a marathon, but more like a hike. And you are not alone on this hike with Jesus – the rest of the church is there with you . . .

The Witness of Waiting

by Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit on

We invite you to join us this year in the waiting room that is Advent, and let us learn to wait – and sing – together.

God Was Leading the Way

by Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit on

A Long and Winding Road to St. John the Divine

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg