Celebrating the coming of Christ
We are grateful to have you join us for our celebration of Christmas! At St. John the Divine, we are one church with diverse worship experiences. We have something for the whole family, and if you don’t have a family, you’re always family here!
This year's Christmas offering will benefit Camp Allen, the Episcopal camp in the Piney Woods. Learn more and make a Christmas offering here.
Christmas at St. John the Divine means a warm welcome, opportunities for adults, children, and families to connect with the mystery and joy of the birth of Jesus, and traditional Episcopal services amplified by beautiful Christmas carols the entire family will love to sing.
St. John the Divine is on the corner of Westheimer and River Oaks Blvd, across from Lamar High School. There is parking in the circle drive off River Oaks Blvd and in the lot on the Westheimer side of our campus. You may also park across the street in the large lot at Lamar High School. We have crossing guards to help you safely cross the street.
We welcome children of all ages in all our services! In the church services, you can pick up a red children's activity bag from outside the front doors when you arrive. Families in our traditional services also have the option to use our Family Room with comfortable furniture, toys, and a screen to view the service.
Nursery care is available for infants and preschoolers during the 11 am, 3 pm, 5 pm, and 7:30 pm Christmas Eve services. Ask an usher to guide you to the nursery on the first floor of the administration building.
Baptized Christians of all ages are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church. If you have not been baptized, you may come forward, cross your arms across your chest, and receive a blessing from the clergy.
After the bread and wine are blessed, the clergy and lay servers come forward to distribute communion to the people. The ushers will let you know when it is your turn. In the church, you may kneel on the cushions or stand at the altar rail and wait to be served. In the Hall Life Center, you will wait in line to approach the servers.
The communion bread is a small wafer (a gluten-free option is available). Place one open palm over the other and hold out your hands. The server will place a wafer in your palm. In the church, another server will come by with the cup of wine (chalice). You have the choice of eating the wafer immediately and taking a sip from the cup of wine, or holding the wafer to dip in a smaller wine cup. Once you have been served, you may return to your place.
After the 11 am, 3 pm, 5 pm, and 7:30 pm services, you are invted to join us in Sumners Hall for Christmas cookies. Be sure to check out the magical snow village!