
Hope of Glory Women's Bible Study

Thursdays, 9:30am

The Gospel According to Isaiah
January 9- April 3 (No class March 13)

Lecture: Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Hall Life Center & the Parlor (Room 121)

Small Groups: Mon. evening, 6:30 pm; Thurs. morning, Zoom

The Hope of Glory women's Bible study was launched 10 years ago by parishioner Meg Rice. Meg chooses a different book or books of the Bible for each study and gives a weekly talk on Thursday mornings on campus, which is also live-streamed. Participants are encouraged to join a small group to discuss the week's lesson in community with other women.

About the Spring 2025 study

At times, we tend to avoid the books of the ancient prophets in the Old Testament. Isaiah is the longest by chapters of the prophets. It is also the most revealing of the life and death of Jesus Christ. It has been dubbed the Gospel according to Isaiah. Written 700 years before Jesus's birth, we see God's sovereignty in every word of this ancient book. Join us as we study the jewels of Isaiah and apply them to our lives today.

Note: If you participated last year, there is no need to re-register unless you plan to change groups.

Contact Christi Megow

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