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Clement souchet p UEJ8ot6 H Ho unsplash

Identity & Vocation

with The Rev. Dr. Arbin Pokharel

In Mark 8, Jesus is addressing the crowd, the religious leaders and his disciples, all of whom were asking "who is he and why does he do these things?" Jesus wants to say that the signs are clear if only they had the eyes to see and minds to understand. Those who devote to following Jesus, see and understand his mission in the world.

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This is SJD - Resurrected Faith


Tori Gilliland shares how being part of the SJD community guided her journey to resurrected faith.

This is SJD - Divine Community


Anna Lehnhoff shares how attending the City Wide Night of Worship led to opportunities to share her gifts and be enveloped in a loving community of other young adults.

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Clement souchet p UEJ8ot6 H Ho unsplash
Feature Section Block Pre Heading

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Welcome to St. John the Divine Episcopal Church

We are so grateful to have you here! Whoever you are, whatever your life story, wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we warmly invite you to come and see how God is changing lives at St. John the Divine.

Sundays at St. John the Divine

Worship with us in person at one of our regular Sunday services.

  • 8 am & 5 pm: Intimate traditional worship in the Chapel with hymns accompanied by organ
  • 9 am and 11:15 am: Traditional worship in the Church with music offered by the SJD Chorale and organ (9 am service livestream)
  • 9:15 am: Awesome Worship for families in the Hall Life Center with children's sermon and music by the SJD Worship Band
  • 11:15 am: Contemporary worship at The Table in the Hall Life Center, combining ancient practice with modern music by the SJD Worship Band (service live stream)

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Clement souchet p UEJ8ot6 H Ho unsplash

8am · 9am · 11:15am · 5pm

Awesome Worship

Sundays in person. Awesome Worship is created for young children age 3 – 3rd grade and their families.

Robin spielmann Xu I Qmhd GUMY unsplash

8am · 9am · 11:15am · 5pm

Traditional Worship

Sundays in person. Awesome Worship is created for young children age 3 – 3rd grade and their families.

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Testing Rich Text

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg