Lectors and Intercessors

Lectors and intercessors read the scripture and lead the Prayers of the People in all Sunday services. We are looking for volunteers of all ages! If you are interested in serving in this important ministry, contact the Rev. Louise Samuelson lsamuelson@sjd.org for an interview.

Lectors and Intercessors Staff

The Rev. Louise Samuelson

Associate Rector

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The Reverend Louise Samuelson joined St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in 2017 and serves as its Associate Rector providing leadership to the church’s pastoral care, worship, and women’s ministries.

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The Rev. Louise Samuelson

Contact The Rev. Louise Samuelson

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SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg