
Our Christmas Offering - Haiti Healthcare Partners


This year's Christmas offering will be donated to Haiti Healthcare Partners.


The Jean-Wilfrid Albert Clinic of Haiti Healthcare Partners (HHP), an oasis of peace and hope, looks after the well-being of thousands of Haiti Education Foundation (HEF) teachers, students, and families. Their mobile clinic SUV sees patients in a local HEF school or Episcopal church. HEF and HHP team up to offer academic, health, and athletic enrichment in the schools. Joint programs include a quiz bowl, first aid and CPR training, an interschool soccer tournament, and a running club.

For 17 years, the medical staff has “made do” in a building that lacks sufficient space, lighting, and ventilation. The clinic’s shady spot precludes solar electricity. In 2022, HHP purchased nearby sunny land for a larger and better-equipped clinic. An American-Haitian architect and engineering team drew up plans for a 2,700 square foot, earthquake-proof clinic with a solar array on the roof. The clinic will have a laboratory for bloodwork and urinalysis, overnight accommodations, doctor’s quarters, and more exam and labor rooms. In October 2023, groundbreaking was celebrated. Once the building is completed, solar electricity will be installed. A security wall, landscaping, water filtration system, and community garden will round out the project.

The only major item left to cover financially is the solar panels that will allow for the only medical lab in the area to exist inside the clinic. Haiti Healthcare Partners has secured a grant for laboratory equipment, but cannot run a lab without solar, the only electricity option in the rural mountains. Your donation to this year's Christmas Offering will fund solar panels that will allow for the only medical lab in the area to exist inside the clinic.

Make your Christmas offering in support of the Haiti Healthcare Partners online above or at any of our Christmas services.

Learn more about the Haiti Healthcare Partners

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