
Five Ways to "Open the Door"

by Andrea Meier

Here are five ways you can help "Open The Door" to your friends & neighbors!

  1. Pray for the service launch on January 14 and for who God is going to bring through The Door:
    God of Grace, you call us out of our comfort zones to follow you and share your love with others. Give us the courage to take risks and put ourselves "out there" when we see opportunities to invite people we know to walk through The Door. Amen.
  2. Like and follow The Door social media channels:
     - thedoorhouston
    YouTube - thedoorfaithspace
     - @thedoorhouston
  3. Share the social posts that speak to you on your personal social media channels
  4. Download invitation images and use them in invitation social posts and emails
  5. Pick up a pack of invitation cards and ask God to show you who you can invite through The Door

Visit The Door webpage to learn more.

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg