
On Vestry Nominations

by The Rev. Dr. R. Leigh Spruill

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Gather for me seventy of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them; bring them to the tent of meeting and have them take their place there with you.’”

— Numbers 11:16

About Vestry Elections

As is the custom at St. John the Divine, the congregation will elect six new members to our vestry in early 2025 at the parish’s Annual Meeting. The vestry is the legal representative body for the church “in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the parish to its clergy” (Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church). The vestry is like a board of trustees—the governing body entrusted by the membership with the fiscal and temporal matters of the church.

Nomination Suggestions Open September 29 – October 27

Submit a Vestry Nomination Suggestion

Part of our yearly election process involves an open call for members of our parish to suggest parishioners for nomination as candidates for vestry membership. A nominating committee consisting of eight vestry members and seven at-large members selected by the vestry reviews these suggestions in consultation with the rector before presenting a slate of 12 worthy candidates for the six open vestry positions for vestry approval and parish consideration. We will begin accepting nomination suggestions on September 29.

Please keep in mind that we want our vestry to model spiritual leadership and to be able to work in partnership with our rector, clergy, and lay staff. The practice of having elders serve as officers for God’s holy people has roots stretching all the way back to Moses in leading the people of Israel through their wilderness wanderings. The Lord saw that the leadership demands on behalf of the people were greater than one person could satisfy. Thus, elders described as “able, fearing God, and trustworthy” were called to share leadership. It is useful for vestry members to recall these ancient biblical roots in understanding their governance role for SJD.

It is important to state the qualities we are looking for in vestry members. SJD vestry members will be confirmed parishioners in good standing who are:

  1. Committed to a mature Christian faith and growth
  2. Regular in their worship attendance
  3. Recognized for their leadership gifts
  4. Generous in their financial stewardship
  5. Positive in their spirit about the church

Thankfully, St. John the Divine is blessed with a wealth of parishioners who are well-qualified for this significant ministry.


Nomination suggestions for our next class of vestry members close on Sunday, October 27 at 5 pm. Please submit your nomination suggestions online, email them to the clerk of the vestry, mail them to the church c/o Clerk of the Vestry, or fill out the form at the front desk in the administration building.

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg