
Spring Sunday Class Lineup


This winter, we engaged together as a parish with an all-parish study on Living a Better Story. We are blessed to offer a slate of adult education opportunities to continue your discipleship journey. Classes begin on Sunday, February 4 at 10:15 am in various locations on campus.

Adult Education - Sunday School
Jesus: The Promise Fulfilled
Sundays, February 4 — March 3
10:15 am in the Hall Life Center and by live stream
Taught by lay teachers with small groups

This series follows our parish-wide study on Living a Better Story: The Bible Jesus Learned, Loved, and Fulfilled. Our lay Bible teachers will take turns unpacking different Old Testament themes that Jesus brought into fruition as prophet, shepherd, priest, savior, and king! The format of this study will be lecture followed by small group discussion. If you are interested in leading a small group, please contact Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit.

This is Where Your Healing Begins
Sundays, February 4 March 10
10:15 am in Room 201

Taught by the Rev. Reagan Cocke and Prayer Ministers
As a follow-up to our weekend with Judith MacNutt, we will study Nigel Mumford’s most recent book on healing that he dedicated to Judith and her husband, Dr. Francis MacNutt. Led by a variety of experienced prayer ministers and the Rev. Reagan Cocke, this class will encourage you to put your faith into action in real and practical ways as disciples of Jesus.

Faith, Hope, and Poetry
Sundays, February 4 March 17 and April 7 8 (no class March 24 & 31)
10:15 am in Room 210

Taught by Rob Blain, Tracy Walne, the Rev. Neal McGowan, Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit, the Rev. Reagan Cocke, and Dr. Stewart Baker
Like Jesus with his images, stories, and parables, Christian poets lift our understanding of theological truths with their inspired words. Jesus says, "I am the door;" poets respond with lines like, “Batter my heart, Three-personed God, for You as yet but knock." In this class, we will explore and expound the greatness of verse that reaches us at levels we cannot name but make us soar with heavenly praise for the Maker and Designer and Giver of every good and perfect gift!

Navigating Caring for Aging Parents
Sundays, February 4 - March 10
10:15 am in Room 203
Taught by Right Care Ministry

Caring for our parents can be one of the most challenging things we will ever do. Many members of the Right Care Ministry team have advanced training in dealing with these challenges and have walked this journey with their own parents and with others. In this series of presentations, SJD's Right Care Ministry will cover a variety of topics and share a few scenarios of the types of challenges they see. They will also introduce you to different caregiving styles they see with adult children.

Also on Sunday

Coffee with the Clergy
First Sundays beginning February 4
10:15 am in the Parlor

Looking to get involved at the Church of St. John the Divine? Check out "Coffee with the clergy" in the Parlor on the first Sunday of every month for an opportunity to connect with different clergy and lay leaders in our church, whether or not you are new to SJD!

Late Starts

It's All Greek to Me: Translating Theology for Everyone
Sundays, February 11 - 25
10:15 am in the Parlor
Taught by Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit

Being a Christian means learning a whole new language, and a lot of theology requires translation. Join Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit as she talks through Christian theology in language we can actually understand. Whether you are a new Christian or have been a churchgoer for years, there is so much to unpack! This class will lead into our Discover Membership class starting after Easter on April 7th.

Discover Membership
Sundays, April 14 May 5
10:15 am in the Parlor (except May 5 Instructed Eucharist in the Chapel)
Taught by
the Rev. Dr. R. Leigh Spruill, rector, and Kim Jameson, director of membership
You are invited to join the Discover Membership Class! This four-week class led by the Rev. Dr. Leigh Spruill and the clergy will look at a brief history of St. John the Divine and the Episcopal church, introduce you to the ministries at SJD, and provide opportunities to meet lay leaders and members. Bishop Andy Doyle will join us on May 19 for Confirmation and reception to follow.

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg