by Beth Bunk
by Barbara Strobel, parishioner and treasurer of the church
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. — 1 Timothy 6:18-19
Praise to the Lord and thanks to our generous members for their gifts and to our conscientious staff for holding expenses in line, we are doing well financially this year. If we end the year strong by collecting all our pledges and year-end gifts, we will be ready to have a good financial start to 2023!
% of total revenue to budget
% of total expenses to budget
2022 Blessings — revenue over expense: $952,667
by Beth Bunk, parishioner and generosity committee chair
Our mission of Changing Lives for God in Christ is supported now and well into the future through the generosity of our parishioners. Throughout the year, pledged gifts and other gifts support our general operating fund, enabling us to Gather, Grow, & Go, while maintaining our beautiful campus. Your pledge not only says, “I’m in” and committed to our vision, but it also helps the church leadership budget and plan for the following year. In 2022, we involved over 30 parishioners in the generosity process by sharing the joy of being generous with other parishioners. We shared that joy through small group gatherings in September, designed to reengage parish members with outreach plans for St. John the Divine, as well as at a thank you luncheon for our faithful pledgers.