
The Church in Another City


The Choir of St. John the Divine (the SJD Chorale and SJD Choristers) is getting excited about going to Salisbury England in the summer of 2024 for a residency at Salisbury Cathedral! The Cathedral has a live-in choir school that was founded in 1091. In addition to the regular school classes, the choristers sing and rehearse daily and are the resident choir for the cathedral. While the cathedral choir is on summer break, other choirs visit and sing the offices that are regularly sung by the choristers.

For a week in July 2024, The Choir of St. John the Divine will be in Salisbury taking their turn as the choir-in-residence. Every day, the choir will rehearse together and sing daily Evensong and Choral Eucharist on Sunday in the Cathedral. The pilgrims traveling to England with Leigh Spruill that summer will arrive in Salisbury on the Friday of residency week to visit the choristers and attend Evensong at the Cathedral.

In addition to their time at the Cathedral, the SJD Choristers will visit the Roman Baths at Bath, Cholderton Rare Breeds Farm where they’ll get to milk cows and do yoga with goats, Windsor Castle, and London.

The Choir will offer a series of Evensongs here at SJD beginning in the fall of 2023 featuring music they’ll be singing at Salisbury.

As you can imagine, a trip of this magnitude needs the support of the parish! The SJD Choristers will be selling potted Easter lilies for $20 each which will benefit the scholarship fund. We encourage you to support our choristers by ordering one or more of these lovely flowers, either from an SJD Chorister or online. You can pick up your lilies in Sumners Hall on Saturday, March 25 from 9 am – 2 pm or on Sunday, March 26 from 9 am – 12:30 pm.

Order lilies here

A Message from the Rev. Dr. Leigh Spruill

Susalee and I are excited to be leading a St. John the Divine pilgrimage to Great Britain in July 2024. This “Anglican Roots” tour will engage the church’s early days in Great Britain as well as the English Reformation. We will visit significant sites in Anglican church history and sacred places that where important saints bore witness to the faith. Our pilgrimage will also include Salisbury Cathedral during our SJD Choir residency program. Let us know of your interest by signing up for our email list here. We hope you many of you will consider joining us!

SJD Campus

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(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg