Gather, Grow, Go

Gather in Christ, Grow as Disciples, Go on Mission

Stewardship 2025

Grounded in Gratitude

This year’s stewardship season is dedicated to expressing gratitude for our shared journey. Our sense of generosity and stewardship flourishes through prayer and faith. And, gratitude is the foundation from which we live out our divine calling, inspiring us to give abundantly.

Groups & Classes

Find a deep sense of belonging at St. John the Divine! Grow your faith in a Bible study, gather for a game of Pickleball, or serve others along with others — whether you're looking to have fun, deepen your knowledge of the Bible, or develop lasting relationships with friends of all ages, you'll find an opportunity to connect with a loving community of faithful people at St. John the Divine

Opportunities to serve

Serving is a great way to get connected with others and make a difference. When you volunteer, you can make church feel like home, and share your faith in Houston and beyond.

Hope More Than Progress

with The Rev. Dr. Leigh Spruill

The vision of the coming Kingdom of God from Revelation is less about your personal salvation than your social fellowship with all the saints who worship Jesus.

SJD Campus

2450 River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77019 Map

(713) 622-3600 | infosjdorg