St. John the Divine offers many ways to honor or remember a loved
one. Those honored and the families of those remembered will be
notified of your gift. Make sure to put the name of your loved one in the memo area. You may support the following areas:
- Memorial Endowment Fund
(MEF): The Memorial Endowment Fund provides financial support for the
church to meet needs and fund projects that cannot be met by the general
operating budget, including emergencies, facility enhancements, and
capital to take advantage of unexpected strategic opportunities.
- Special Outreach Fund (SEF): The Special Outreach Fund supports various Christ-centered
organizations and ministries outside St. John’s which, due to financial
and other limitations, might not receive adequate assistance.
- Flower Dedications: The flowers on our altar are a beautiful symbol of our offerings to
God. It’s a way that we praise Jesus for the life and hope that he gives
us and a way that we honor loved ones and give thanks for our
blessings. Flowers may be donated in memory, thanksgiving, or
celebration of a person/persons or event. Special funds are available to
donate flowers to decorate St. John the Divine at Easter and Christmas.